New Mon State Party's Soldiers Troops Conduct Security Patrols in non-conflict areas

New Mon State Party's Soldiers Troops Conduct Security Patrols in non-conflict areas

The troops of the New Mon State Party's Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) are currently engaged in security patrols within villages and along roads in three townships in Mon State, according to Mon residents.

the past three months, the Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) troops have been conducting security patrols in Khawzar town of Ye Township, where the People's Defense Forces (PDF) are active.

Starting from the second week of July, several villages located in the southern region of Mudon township, as well as in the vicinity of Nyaung Kone village along the Mudon-Thanbyuzayat highway, have initiated security patrols in full military uniform attire.

According to local news sources, troops have been deployed and security patrols are being conducted in the vicinity of Ahnin Village and Weakalaung Village in Thanbyuzayat Township.

According to a local Mon resident, the New Mon State Party engaged in negotiations with both revolutionary forces and the Military Council to initiate these security measures. The resident further stated that the party is making every effort to ensure the safety of the people and protect their lives and homes from harm.

Throughout the duration of the military coup, the New Mon State Party has engaged in peace negotiations with the Junta on six occasions, either independently or in conjunction with other ethnic armed organizations (EAO) that have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).

"I don't think they can guarantee 100% security, but they can offer reasonable protection. I believe the New Mon State Party troops will engage in negotiations with both the revolutionary forces and the Military Council before taking action. They are not replacing the Military Council's role of safeguarding. From my perspective, they were invited by the people to prevent clashes and protect lives and homes," A Mon resident.

The Mon public has criticized the New Mon State Party, which has traditionally advocated for resolving political issues solely through peaceful means, for conducting security patrols in non-combat areas during the two-year military coup.

Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, chairman of the Mon State Defense Force (MSDF) military and political steering committee, beievesf that the New Mon State Party is merely employing a public relations strategy to attain political and military recognition, due to the criticism that the party is unable to effectively protect the interests of the Mon people.

"If the New Mon State Party is truly determined to assume control of defense and security, it must be willing to shoulder the responsibility for ensuring security in Ye township, which is plagued by intense fighting. The decision to focus patrolling efforts in areas without armed conflicts or active revolutionary forces, can be seen as a response to the criticism regarding their inability to protect the Mon people and provide adequate security. It can be viewed as a strategic move aimed at restoring political and military integrity, serving as a public relations strategy," said Dr. Thiri Mon Chan.

Dr. Thiri Mon Chan also highlighted that the New Mon State Party ‘s caution to avoid  conflicts with both the Military Council and the revolutionary forces, conducting security patrols that deliberately avoid areas prone to such confrontations.

The Than Lwin Times reached out to the New Mon State Party regarding the presence of Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) troops conducting patrols in the Mon region. However, they did not receive any response from the party.

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