The Voices of Chin expats about the 2020 General Election

The Voices of Chin expats about the 2020 General Election
by -
Salai Clian (CW)

Many ethnic Chin people are working overseas: in India, Singapore, China and Malaysia. The following are views of the Chin ex-pats about the election scheduled for November 8.


Mai Rebeca (in China)


My standpoint is I prefer Chin parties. But I believe the National League for Democracy (NLD) will win a victory in the 2020 General Election as there is a lack of unity among the Chin parties. I think the Chin parties need to carry out some trust-building among themselves in order to win seats.


Nu Boih (in China)


The main point is to be out of the shadow of Tatmadaw (the Myanmar army). The National League for Democracy (NLD) is the only party dealing with the Tatmadaw. I like Chin parties but I expect the NLD alone can lead the development path of Myanmar.


Salai Van Lal Lian (New Delhi)

I cannot go home for this year’s election due to the pandemic. I cannot cast my vote for the election. I want to see the emergence of a coalition government, rather than the formation of the government by a single party. Only when there is coordination with other parties, will the government will bring about fruitful results.

 Salai Van Nei Cem (Aizawl)

“Only Chin ethnic parties will really ask for the rights of Chin people. Other parties will not bring about the unity of the Chin people. I cannot cast my vote in the country but I can encourage Chin people to cast their votes. In addition to the seats in Chin State, I want Chin candidates to secure seats in Sagaing, Magway and Arakan State. We must show our unity.”

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