Arakan State which is the western door of Myanmar sees the rising number of Covid-19. All sectors are functioning despite anti-coup protests in some Townships of Arakan State after the army seized the country’s power. The following are the views of some people in Arakan State about Covid-19 situation.
Dr. Nu Kaythi Zan (Head of Medical Services Department in Maungdaw Township)
The health problem is the re-entry of persons from other country. There will no problem if they officially reenter the country. We can conduct health check systematically if they enter the country officially. They stay in the villages without informing the authorities. As a result, the spread of disease may become higher.
It is difficult to exactly say to what extent of the transmission. We need to be more cautious about it. Currently, the health department is carrying out health checks in Maungdaw in cooperation with the CSOs and international organizations.
U Khaing Kaung San (Director of Wanlark Foundation in Arakan State)
In my view the main problem is the border. Successive governments have been unable to manage border security. I have heard the news that some people still enter the Arakan State through the border. The people living in border area need to be cautious about it, because Covid-19 is getting worse during this period. They need to take the health department’s preventive measures such as wearing mask, hand washing, keeping a social distance of six feet. Each person needs to be aware of the health measures. Only then will the family, environment and the state be safe.
The Arakan State saw the highest infection rates in the first and second waves of Covid-19. Hundreds of people were put in the quarantine centers. Doctors had to struggle to contain it due to the higher rates of infected people. The CSOs had to open two or three quarantine centers. Like the first and second waves, we all need to be cautious about the third wave. We need to think about to what extent the CSOs and departments can resist, if the Covid-19 breaks out like the second wave.
The Covid-19 infections are detected among the traders who go to Bangladesh by boat. The ban on trade flow by the government would have an impact on trade. From the health point of view, there is an impact. The country will to suffer in terms of income and economy. But this is just temporary. The situation will become worse if we cannot maintain good control.
The Third wave is having worse impacts in Bangladesh and Malaysia. We will have to suffer the consequences, if the country bans normal trade. That is why each person need to be cautious about health care.
U Aung Than Shwe (Former Lower House MP from Buthidaung Township)
Border security is linked to the entry and exit of people. The people can enter the border if they pay money. Now many people illegally enter the country through the border. The situation has become worse since Bangladesh issued a lockdown order.
Those who come from Bangladesh test positive for COVID-19. Covid-19 infection is detected among traders. Myanmar may need to issue lockdown and travel restriction orders due to the spread of Covid-19. Economic and social problems will become worse. That is why it needs to effectively supervise strictly, the officials assigned at the border. I would like to say that there will be undesirable problems, if the situation remains unchanged. The situation could get out of control. It is crucial to take action.