UWSA Southern Military Region Summons Wa Men Abroad to Recruit 4,000 Conscripts

UWSA Southern Military Region Summons Wa Men Abroad to Recruit 4,000 Conscripts

United Wa State Army(UWSA) Southern Military Region (171) plans to recruit 4,000 new conscripts in Mong Hsat District, Eastern Shan State. They are calling Wa men residing abroad to return to their homeland.

The UWSA Southern Military Region (171) issued a notice on 30 August, calling Wa men living in Mong Hsat District who are currently working in Laos to return to their homeland as soon as possible. They are required to register with the UWSA military committees by 7 September.

A resident from Mongton township said: “The registration for conscription has been ongoing since last month after the conscription announcement was made. However, there hasn't been much coverage in the news. Wherever you are, you are being called back. If you are not available, they will take your father. They will continue to call him until you substitute for your father.”

Individuals living within the UWSA Southern Military Region (171) area who are abroad and fail to register by the deadline will face arrest and action by the UWSA administrative and military committees. They are also expected to recruit up to 4,000 new conscripts.

Attempts were made to contact the UWSA Southern Region Liaison Office for confirmation and inquiries about the recruitment of up to 4,000 new conscripts in the UWSA Southern Military Region (171) area. However, no response has been received.

A junior officer from the UWSA Southern Military Region said to Shan Herald Agency for News: “ Most Wa soldiers have been called for security purposes in Lashio town. In some local military camps, a unit that previously had around 60 personnel now only has about 15 remaining. The recruitment of new conscripts is intended to restore the strength in areas where it is needed."

The UWSA has been recruiting new conscripts in the villages of MongHtaw-Mong Hta, HweAw, HoPan, HoYwet, MineKyut, and KhaiLone in Mongton Township since early August. They are recruiting all individuals aged 15 and above, regardless of gender.

The UWSA Southern Military Region (171) in Mong Hsat District, Eastern Shan State is organized into 5 Brigades and 25 battalions and it is home to approximately 100,000 Wa people.

In July, UWSA security forces stationed in Lashio town, where the Wa External Relations Office is located, reportedly to protect the Wa assets and properties there. Before this, over 2,000 troops had been deployed to reinforce in Tangyan Township, according to the residents.

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