Two people in Rakhine state freed after two months detention

Two people in Rakhine state freed after two months detention

Ma Aye Mya Sandar from Pyine Taw villager in Minbya township, and Ko Maung Maung Kyaw, a resident of Aung Thapyay village in Maungdaw township, were released after being detained for more than 2 months.

The two had been intercepted and arrested near the Kyein Chaung checkpoint on November 1st last year, while they were travelling back from Mingalar Nyunt village to Maungdaw on a bike Ma Aye Mya Sandar’s younger brother Ko Myo Chan Nyein said that the two returned from the Kyein Chaung checkpoint of the Military Council’s Border Guard Forces (BGF) in Maungdaw around 10:00 AM on January 1st.

“My sister was freed around 10:00 AM today. She was released through the Kyein Chaung checkpoint. She is in good health. Now my sister is back at her relativs’ house in Maungdaw”, he confirmed.

The two were intercepted and arrested near the Kyein Chaung checkpoint on November 1st last year they were travelling back from Mingalar Nyunt village to Maungdaw on a bike.

Ma Aye Mya Sandar, a resident of Pyine Taw village in Minbya, is preparing to take the matriculation examination this year.

During their detention, the two were interrogated about whether they had any connection with the Arakan Army (AA) or whether they sponsored financial support to AA, a person close to Ko Maung Maung Kyaw told Narinjara.

“Both of them are free now. We heard that they were questioned if they were affiliated with AA or provided financial support to AA. I am happy on their behalf that they have been freed from wrongful arrest”, he said.

They were released after being charged under Section 17(1)(2) of the Unlawful Association Act.

On November 1st, a second-year student who returned after sitting the distance education exam and a driver were arrested at the BGF’s Kyee Kan Pyin headquarters checkpoint, and have not yet been released, family members said.

There are still hundreds of detained locals accused of being linked to AA and charged under the Unlawful Association Act, and their families are demanding their immediate release.

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