Three people dismissed from their law suits

Three people dismissed from their law suits
U Maung Phyu Than and U Yebaw Thu who are dismissed from their law suits . Photo by Wai Lu
U Maung Phyu Than and U Yebaw Thu who are dismissed from their law suits . Photo by Wai Lu

Although three people including the brother in law of Khaing Thukha, spokesperson of Arakan Army (AA) were charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law, the Kyauk Phyu District Court decided on October 21 to dismiss law suits unconditionally because no strong evidence can be shown to support the allegation, the lawyer of the accused said.

The released people are U Maung Phyu Than, brother in law of Khaing Thukha, U Yebaw Thu and U San Aung Kyaw from Aung Thapyay at Dat Taw village, in Ann township.

U Htein Linn, lawyer of the accused, told DMG that the court released his litigants because the evidence submitted by the investigating officer and accusers wasn’t strong enough.

“The main reason that they are released is the organizations, which arrest, sue and take action against them, cannot submit enough evidences to the court. That’s why the court cannot take the action against them,” he said.

The three people were detained on July 7 near Aung Thapyay at Dat Taw village on suspicion of involvement in attacking Tatmadaw vehicles with mines, later they were charged at Ann police station by major Tin Aung from Ann township’s Tatmadaw unit 373 under the Counter-Terrorism Law’s article 50 (a) and 51 (c).

Lawyer U Htein Linn said that he has seen that the authorities didn’t interfere with the judicial process, and the court also followed the laws fairly.

“We think that nobody influenced this case. The authorities do not interfere in the decision made by the court,” he said.

On October 18, Myanmar police detained AA Chief General Twan Mrat Naing’s sister Moe Hnin Phyu along with her husband Ko Kyaw Naing at Yangon International Airport, and the authorities haven’t announced why those two were detained.

AA Chief General Twan Mrat Naing’s brother Ko Aung Myat Kyaw also was detained by the Singapore police on July 10 on accusation of supporting AA and sent back to Myanmar. He is now being charged under Counter-Terrorism Law.

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