
March 7, 2024
According to local news sources, military junta convoys entered the villages in Mudon township, Mon State on March 4th and were stationed in...
March 6, 2024
Construction companies are ramping up apartment construction efforts in Shwe Kokko region, north of Myawaddy Township in Karen State, yet facing a...
March 6, 2024
The Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC) has handed down prison sentences and fines to five individuals, including the rector and vice-...
March 6, 2024
Further discussions between the Junta and the Three Brotherhood Alliance were conducted in Kunming ,aimed at reaffirming the ongoing ceasefire and...
March 6, 2024
Data for Myanmar, a research organization, reports that the number of townships under martial law declared by the Junta in the three years following...
March 6, 2024
The People's Defense Force (PDF) - Thaton District reported that over 400 young individuals sought refuge in the Karen National Union (KNU)'s Thaton...
March 5, 2024
AA’s String of Successes – the Capture of 2 District Capitals, and 7 Townships in a period of a 3- month-long Offensive In over three months fighting...
March 5, 2024
The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) reported rescuing over 1000 residents trapped in Hpasawng Township, Karenni (Kayah) State On March 4th ,following...
March 5, 2024
On March 3rd, Colonel Naw Bu, the KIO information officer, confirmed Kachin Independence Army (KIA)and armed wing of KIO, successfully seized the...
March 5, 2024
Since December 2023, the urban areas and villages in Dee Maw Hso Township, Karenni State, have been under the control of the Karenni resistance...
March 4, 2024
In Demoso Township, Karenni State, Junta forces are no longer stationed in the town wards and surrounding villages. These areas have been under the...
March 4, 2024
Dr. Nyo Twan Aung, deputy commander-in-chief of the Arakan Army (AA), stated in a press conference on March 4th that,” there are no ongoing...