According to local news sources, military junta convoys entered the villages in Mudon township, Mon State on March 4th and were stationed in Kalawtthawt, Taungpa village and nearby villages until March 5th.
According to a resident from Mudon Township, after the NMSP-AD arrested three militia leaders in Kamarwet Township and Kawtpihtaw village and seized their weapons on March 2nd, a military junta column entered Mudon Township village. Family members and relatives of the NMSP-AD were also detained.
"On March 4th, around 3:00 p.m. approximately three military junta vehicles and over 60 soldiers entered and stationed themselves at the temple in Taungpa village. This presence has continued until today. Additionally, Kalawtthawt has seen the arrival of junta forces. The soldiers have also been spotted patrolling nearby villages," he added.
On March 5th, a military junta contingent of nearly 100 troops penetrated Kamarwet township and proceeded to infiltrate villages including, Yaungdaung, Kalawtthawt, and Taungpa, reported a resident of Kamarwet.
The NMSP-AD has declared its intention is to unite with the resistance forces in Mudon Township, Kyaikmarraw Township, Thanpyuzayat Township, and Ye Township. Residents are concerned that the entry of military junta forces may lead to conflict and fear what may unfold.