Shan Human Rights Foundation Calls for International Aid for Northern Shan State Locals Trapped Amid Clashes

Shan Human Rights Foundation Calls for International Aid for Northern Shan State Locals Trapped Amid Clashes

The Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) has issued an urgent appeal to the international community, seeking aid for locals who are trapped in ongoing clashes in northern Shan State.

These clashes have escalated following the second phase of 'Operation 1027,' leaving many in desperate need of assistance.

The SHRF has specifically called upon international aid organizations to provide immediate support to those caught in the conflict zones.

“Residents trapped in conflict zones are unable to escape and are facing increased difficulties due to rising commodity prices. Some have been injured by artillery shells, but they have no access to medical care. So far, they have received no international support,” a spokeswoman for SHRF said.

In response to the renewed armed confrontations in northern Shan State, numerous locals have managed to flee to safer areas. However, a significant number remain trapped in certain towns where the fighting is most intense. This situation is particularly dire in Kyaukme Town.

The SHRF spokeswoman emphasized that the war-displaced people are currently receiving aid only from other local residents, with no assistance from the international community.

“We urge the international community not to ignore the junta's blatant perpetration of war crimes in northern Shan State, but to help take effective actions,” the spokeswoman added.

Since the commencement of the second phase of 'Operation 1027' in Kyaukme, Nawnghkio (Naungcho), and Hsipaw (Thibaw) towns in northern Shan State, 46 civilians have been killed and 35 injured due to indiscriminate airstrikes and shelling by the junta. In addition to the human toll, more than 150 houses and buildings have been destroyed.

Currently, fierce fighting continues between the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the junta in northern Shan State.

“The population is increasingly panicked due to the junta's artillery shelling and airstrikes, while disruptions to phone lines, internet, and electricity are exacerbating their concerns,” the spokeswoman said.

The SHRF's statement on July 22 focused on the military situation in Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, and Hsipaw towns, which are located along the route of China's oil and gas pipelines. However, the clashes are widespread across northern Shan State.

In its statement, the SHRF underscored that the efforts of local residents and civil society organizations alone are insufficient to address the suffering caused by the conflict. It emphasized the critical need for international aid to support those affected by the ongoing violence.

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