SAC Jetfghters Bombed over KNU Brigade No. 6 Territory

SAC Jetfghters Bombed over KNU Brigade No. 6 Territory
Makhatha village monastery was burned down by SAC’s airstrikes on 6 thOctober
Makhatha village monastery was burned down by SAC’s airstrikes on 6 thOctober

The jet fighters of Burmese Army or SAC airforce bombed over the key business area of Thapyu antimony mine in the territory of the 6th brigade of the Karen National Union (KNU), near Makatha village, Three Pagoda Pass township, Karen State, according to local residents.

The Thapyu antimony mining block was bombed on November 16 at around 1:00 a.m. at night.

Almost a mining block was destroyed due to the bombing, 3 miners were killed and at least 4 were injured, according to local residents.

“At around 1 o’clock in the morning, jets dropped bombs on the area of the Thapyu mine block. The block was badly damaged. Currently, three are known to have died. There are also injured people. The airstrikes over mining block was in the KNU 6th Brigade,” said a Makatha resident.

There are reports that a Chinese national was among those killed in the mine airstrike, but this has yet to be independently confirmed.

The person who works to help displaced persons fleeing the war based on Thai-Myanmar said, “Within the area of the 6th KNU Brigade in this block, Kawkareik, Msawaddy, Kyar Inn Seik Kyi, Three Pagoda Pass, the military council forces and KNLA joint forces are fighting almost every day, so more than 10,000 local residents are fleeing the war.”

Last 6 th October, around 2:00 a. m., the Makatha village monastery was destroyed by fire due to the SAC’s air strike over Makatha village, a stronghold of KNU Brigade No. 6.

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