Relief For IDPs In Kutkai Township Fails To Fill Bellies

Relief For IDPs In Kutkai Township Fails To Fill Bellies
Some donors come to support IDPs at Mongyulay Kutkai Township
Some donors come to support IDPs at Mongyulay Kutkai Township

Villagers displaced by conflict in Kutkai Township have to eat watered-down rice soup after the military council hasn’t provided enough food while they are locked down in an internally displaced camp (IDP) unable to work during Burma’s third wave.

A resident of Ho Kho IDP camp, in Mong Yu Lay village, told SHAN they have to borrow money they can’t afford to return because the ministry of Social, Relief and Resettlement hasn’t given them sufficient rations to survive for the next two weeks.

“They gave each person two cans of rice per day for a person,” the source said and 0.8 kg of cooking oil, salt and yellow bean. They explained it was the first time the military junta offered them assistance since taking power from the democratic government on February 1.

Residents used to get a monthly stipend from the National League for Democracy.

Fighting between the Burma Army and members of Northern Alliance, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Kachin Independence Army, forced them to flee their homes in Kutkai Township.

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