RCSS Clashes With Tatmadaw in Southern Shan State, Displaced Shan in Kachin State Struggling

RCSS Clashes With Tatmadaw in Southern Shan State, Displaced Shan in Kachin State Struggling

Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) clashed with Burma Army during a surprise encounter with troops on a road in Loilam District, southern Shan State.

A driver told SHAN the next day Tatmadaw sent reinforcements to Hopon 7-Mile located in Taunggyi Township. “I saw many military vehicles this morning. Soldiers are stopping everyone on the street to question them,” the driver said.

RCSS spokesperson Maj Kham San said he wasn’t briefed about the fighting near Yin Kwe mountain on the Mongpun-Loilam roadway on April 25.

On April 22, there was violence in Namsang Township, Mongnai Township (Langkho District) and Mong Nawng sub-township (Keshi Township).

Burma Army launched an artillery strike on RCSS’s Loi Lam Lon base, opposite Wiang Haeng Township in Thailand’s Chiang Mai District, on April 21.

In Kachin State, over 5,000 Shan villagers displaced by the conflict between Burma Army and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) face food shortages. Buddhist abbot Wah Shawng told SHAN they fled fighting in Momauk Township, seeking refuge at ten camps in Bhamo.

There aren’t enough volunteer groups in Kachin State helping them, he said, while criticizing Shan leaders for being weak. “Many of the IDPs (internally displaced persons) are staying at their relative’s homes or Buddhist monasteries,” the abbot told SHAN.

The conflict in Momauk Township has gotten worse after Tatmadaw used jet fighters and combat helicopters to attack KIA, causing the destruction of homes. Residents from over 50 Shan villages in the township have been displaced from fighting that started in Kachin State after the February 1 coup.

Photo Caption:Tai Refugees in Kachin State

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