Pregnant Women and Children in Kayah State IDP Camps Face Alarming Increase in Deaths

Pregnant Women and Children in Kayah State IDP Camps Face Alarming Increase in Deaths

According to local women's organizations, the deaths of pregnant women and infants in IDP camps and rural areas in Kayah State have increased as a result of the Military Council's implementation of the four cuts strategy.

Due to the Military Council's four cuts strategy in Kayah State, where the fighting is intense, pregnant women are experiencing premature births, and there have been instances of child deaths as well as fatalities involving both the mother and the child.

Surveys conducted by the Kayan Women's Organization (KyWO) indicate that between early 2023 and April, there have been at least five cases of miscarriage and the loss of both the child and the mother during childbirth.

According to Christine, a central executive member of the Kayan Women's Organization (KyWO), the Military Council's four cuts strategy and the scarcity of essential medicine have resulted in a significant increase in the mortality rates of pregnant women and infants.

"At present, they are implementing a four cuts strategy. Even those selling medicines are prohibited by law from doing so. Disturbing incidents are taking place. Furthermore, medical clinics and schools utilized by the people are being targeted by airstrikes, causing great concern for women who require surgical childbirth. There is a scarcity of healthcare providers even for mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies. Due to the lack of accessible healthcare, the mortality and miscarriage rates among women are rising," she explained.

According to reports, pregnant women are experiencing immediate postpartum deaths as a result of artillery shells and airstrikes carried out by the Military Council. Additionally, babies born under such circumstances are facing deformities or being stillborn.

It is reported that the intense explosions from artillery shells and airstrikes are causing significant distress and psychological impact on pregnant women. As a result, the babies in their wombs are becoming no longer active.

Due to the  Military Council's airstrikes targeting hospitals, clinics, and schools in Kayah state, the people are currently facing severe challenges in accessing healthcare and education.

Over the past months, the Military Council conducted airstrikes on two medical clinics and Dawtamagyi rural hospital, resulting in casualties.

On April 25, airstrikes targeted the Hsaung Phway rural hospital in Pekon township, hitting the dormitory where mothers and babies were located. Tragically, the mother of a 3-month-old baby was killed in the attack.

In Kayah State, where human rights violations and violence by the Military Council troops occur almost daily, a majority of men are engaged in fighting with whatever weapons they possess. As a result, women are left to grapple with health, food, and security challenges on their own.

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