NUG is standing together with people defence forces, says its prime minister

NUG is standing together with people defence forces, says its prime minister

The leaders of Myanmar’s National Unity Government are working closely with the democratic resistance fighters, while they are preparing to supply requirements for the frontlines in respective areas, said its Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than.

At the closing ceremony of refresher military training course for Daw Na  column of People Defence Forces in No.3 Subordinate Command of Southern Combatant Command, Mahn Win Khaing Than said that the NUG is coordinating with the ethnic resistance allied forces, and the fruitful results would come out soon due to   the exerted efforts of all the participants and stakeholders in the ongoing revolution.

Moreover, harmonious cooperation of internal and external forces has gained momentum and significant progress has been achieved in political and military affairs.

He also advised members of PDF to have strong determination and make more efforts in eradicating dictatorship and the end of military regime.

The refresher military training course for Daw Na Column was attended by Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than, Deputy Minister for Women, Youth and Children Affairs Daw Ei Thin Zar Maung, Colonel Saw Phoenix  of Southern Combatant Command, Commander Captain Saw Shar from No.3   Subordinate Command of Southern Combatant Command and other relevant personnel.

Weapons and one-million-kyat cash award were also presented to the trainees at the ceremony.

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