
July 9, 2024
In Chaungzon Township, Mon State, the junta plans to implement a coal plant project despite local opposition, as the community finds it too risky to...
July 9, 2024
Reports of leadership changes and power disputes within the Karen National Union (KNU) and its armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA...
July 9, 2024
The Arakha Army (AA) announced that the remaining significant military bases of the junta in Arakan (Rakhine) State, such as the Western Military...
July 8, 2024
The Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC) reported that junta's human rights violations in Karenni (Kayah) State resulted in 48 civilian...
July 8, 2024
Two junta troops raped a teenage girl in Mhwalpi Village, located in the Siyin ethnic territory of Tedim Township, Chin State, on July 5. Junta...
July 8, 2024
Despite intensifying resistance battles against the coup across Myanmar, the coup junta head still insists that the general elections, deemed his...
July 8, 2024
Despite encountering fierce resistance from the junta, which deployed about 15 battalions, Arakha Army (AA) successfully seized the 566th Light...
July 8, 2024
Clashes erupted between junta troops and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in the Hoya Village Tract of Mongyai Township in Shan...
July 6, 2024
In June alone, the junta conducted airstrikes in Hpapun Township, where the 5th Brigade operates in the Mutraw District of the Karen National Union (...
July 6, 2024
The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) launched an attack on the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) camp in Nawngping Village...
July 5, 2024
Civilian casualties, including children, occurred on July 4 due to ongoing clashes in Loikaw Township, Karenni (Kayah) State, locals reported. A...
July 5, 2024
Locals allege that the coup junta troops broke into the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) warehouse located in Myoma Kanyintan Ward,...