Nearly 50 military personnel killed in one month in Thaton District

Nearly 50 military personnel killed in one month in Thaton District

The Karen National Union (KNU) released a statement on October 7 that 48 junta soldiers were killed and 41 others were injured in the battles that took place in KNU’s Thaton District in September.

There were 39 clashes between a combined force of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 1 and the military council in September alone.

The KNLA joint force confiscated two MA rifles, eight bullet boxes, 390 bullet rounds, and a pistol and destroyed 10 military vehicles.

The reckless shelling of regime forces damaged four civilian houses and one vehicle and killed livestock animals, said in the statement.

The military council stationed at KNU-controlled forcibly demanded wood and bamboo from the local people to repair and expand their camp.

In September, two military personnel surrendered to KNU with their weapons in Thaton District, and on the other hand, five PDF comrades from KNLA/KNDO and allied forces were injured.

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