
July 2, 2024
The worsening flood situation in Myitkyina township, Kachin State, has surpassed the danger level mark, trapped thousands of residents and urgently...
July 2, 2024
Intense clashes in Thandwe township, southern Rakhine State, have hindered government employees from receiving their June salaries. “We haven't been...
July 2, 2024
In Shan State's Kyaukme town, escalating clashes between the Junta and the Ta'ang (Palaung) National Liberation Army (TNLA) are resulting in...
July 2, 2024
Junta troops attempting to reach Myawaddy town, the objective of Operation Aung Zay Ya, have retreated to Kawkareik town after being stalled for a...
June 29, 2024
Following a period of calm after recent conflicts, local women returning to the Mon-Karen border areas along the Gyaing River are facing sexual...
June 29, 2024
Troops under the Military Council have torched most of the homes in Taingen after suffering many casualties during fighting with resistance forces as...
June 29, 2024
Thousands of civilians have been affected after clashes between Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Burma army resumed in recent days in...
June 29, 2024
The Junta’s preparations to hold a census in Rakhine State even after losing control of nine townships, their recent loss of Thandwe airport, and the...
June 28, 2024
The coalition led by the Ta'ang (Palaung) National Liberation Army (TNLA) has launched an attack on an inspection checkpoint established in Wetwun...
June 28, 2024
Major General Zaw Min Tun, the spokesperson of the Junta, confessed that regime troops had indeed looted the World Food Programme (WFP) food...
June 28, 2024
Junta-allied armed groups have begun deploying in villages along the Kawkareik-Kyondoe section of the Asia Road in Karen State, as well as initiating...
June 28, 2024
The Junta and its allied militia group, the Pa-O National Organization (PNO), attempted to bribe the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) and the United...