
September 15, 2022
The Myanmar military council has been using three coastal ships, donated by Japan to facilitate the travel of Arakanese (Rakhine) people for safety...
Maj. gen. Twan Mrat Naing commander in chief of the Arakan Army. Photo: Frontier Myanmar
September 15, 2022
Sai Wansai — With the escalation of armed conflict in Arakan State, now spreading to the whole state not to mention the fierce fighting in the...
A junta soldier in Sittwe.
September 14, 2022
The Myanmar military detained three local men in Kyaukphyu, Arakan State, where the Arakan Army and military junta have traded arrests in recent days...
September 14, 2022
A fire outbreak at Pann Myaung Village, Minbya Township, on Sunday resulted in financial losses of K84 million and left dozens of people homeless,...
September 14, 2022
Internally displaced people (IDPs) in Bago Region’s Kyaukkyi and Mone townships are in urgent need of medicine as the number of people in poor health...
September 14, 2022
The residents of villages surrounding recent hostilities between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army in Chin State’s Paletwa Township are having...
September 14, 2022
Local defence forces helped three political prisoners and two revolutionary fighters who had escaped from Pakokku District Prison by taking them to a...
September 14, 2022
The Myanmar Economic Bank in Sagaing Region’s Mingin Town, where junta forces are stationed, was attacked with landmines at around 5:00 a.m. on 12...
September 13, 2022
For the past week, fighting has been escalating between regime troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Kutkai Township in northern Shan...
September 13, 2022
The military council army tortured and interrogated the locals who were arrested as human shields during the battle in eastern Dawei, Tanintharyi...
September 13, 2022
A resurgence of fighting is taking place between the junta forces and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), who are trying...
September 13, 2022
The military council of Mon State claimed that more investment entered Mon State amid times of general crisis, when most enterprises had to close,...