Bank in Sagaing’s Mingin Town attacked

Bank in Sagaing’s Mingin Town attacked

The Myanmar Economic Bank in Sagaing Region’s Mingin Town, where junta forces are stationed, was attacked with landmines at around 5:00 a.m. on 12 September.

The attack was carried out by Battalion 2 of the Mingin Township People's Defense Force (PDF). A representative from the organisation said to Mizzima: “Soldiers from the military council and police are currently busy in Mingin Town. I want to warn the public to stay away from the Military Council troops because there will be a series of missions in the town.”

He added that casualty numbers are currently unknown, but some soldiers may have been killed.

The junta has cut off all phone and internet lines in Mingin Township, so people are having difficulties communicating, according to locals.

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