Myanmar junta troops burn medical equipment in Wanma Thu District Hospital

Myanmar junta troops burn medical equipment in Wanma Thu District Hospital

Junta troops in Wanma Thu village in Mindat Township, Chin State set fire to everything except iron bedsteads at Wanma Thu District Hospital because they thought that anti-junta fighters were being treated there, on 18 February.

The Mindat Township anti-junta People’s Administration Committee said that all the tables, lockers, chairs, blankets, medical supplies, wheelchairs, stretcher trolleys and other equipment were collected together and set on fire by junta’s troops. Glasses, shelves and two generators in the hospital were also smashed and destroyed by the troops.

"The doctors who have participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) are providing medical services at the Wanma Thu District Hospital. Junta’s troops believed that Chinland Defense Force (CDF) fighters were being treated in the hospital, so they destroyed the medical equipment. However, some health staff members were able to evacuate the medical supplies in time,” said a local source.

Fighting broke out between junta’s troops and CDF-Mindat fighters near to Keepi Mountain, between Loi Yaw and Aw Ye villages, on the morning of 19 February. Junta troops have set up snipers and machine guns on Keepi Mountain.

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