Myanmar is on the brink of becoming a failed state

Myanmar is on the brink of becoming a failed state

Myanmar is on the verge of becoming a failed state in the wake of the 2021 military coup led by General Min Aung Hlaing, said economists and political analysts.

Since the coup to the present, the economics, politics, education, health, and social sectors of the country have worsened under the military council that controls the three pillars—legislative, administrative, and judicial—and the flame of the civil war is on the increase.

More than 500 local defense forces, including the People’s Defense Forces, have taken up arms to fight the dictators across the nation as a result of the violent repression of the military council.

In the history of Myanmar’s political history, the armed forces emerged in Sagaing and Magwe regions from Upper Myanmar, where the largest number of Burmese live, who were never involved in revolution, and now they have become regions of intense conflict.

 The path taken by two previous democratic governments, which was to address political issues at a roundtable, has also been disrupted as a result of a military coup, and the political climate has gotten worse as the military framework has grown.

Political analyst Dr. Sai Kyi Zin Soe told The Than Lwin Times that with the escalation of the conflict, Myanmar is now plunging into an endless abyss.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) reported on March 21 that nearly 1.4 million people have been displaced due to the conflict and insecurity that have occurred in more than two years of the military coup.

The military regime has declared martial law in 47 townships in eight regions and states and will take decisive action against some ethnic armed organizations that are supporting the National Unity Government (NUG) and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs), the military leader said in his speech on Armed Forces Day.

Khun Myint Tun, chairman of the Pao National Federal Council (PNFC), pointed out saying, “The more brutal the military council is, the more the public will feel and react, so the country will not recover from the crisis. We have been saying for a long time that the country is heading towards failure”.

As the role of politics fades amid the armed conflict, the military council passed the Political Party Registration Law in late January, which imposes a number of strict restrictions on political parties.

According to Section 25 of the Political Party Registration Law, 40 parties, including the NLD party led by public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and powerful ethnic political parties, were dissolved by the junta-controlled Union Election Commission (UEC) for failing to register within 60 days.

Veteran politician U Pe Than said, “The dissolution of political parties that have full public support is a long way from national reconciliation, and later, the country is closer to becoming a failed country with the deterioration of all sectors. After the coup d’état, the military council could not stabilize and control the entire country, so there was no peace, stability, or rule of law. There will be no loss of rights for non-registered parties, and registered national parties will not gain more privileges”.

The relevant foreign ministries are concerned that the political landscape will become narrower due to the dissolution of 40 parties, which will make it more difficult to solve the Myanmar issue.

Due to COVID and the military takeover, 1.6 million people in Myanmar have lost their jobs, including more than 220,000 textile workers.

The military council is committing human rights violations in ethnic areas and strongholds of resistance forces, as well as arresting, torturing, killing, and imprisoning democracy activists who oppose the military coup.

According to the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government (NUG), there have been more than 60 mass killings of five or more people in Myanmar since the military took power, and more than 700 civilians have lost their lives in these incidents.

According to the Data For Myanmar, a research group, more than 60,000 homes and buildings have been burned down in the two years in the wake of the military coup.

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