More than 1,200 airstrikes conducted by junta, NUG says

More than 1,200 airstrikes conducted by junta, NUG says

Myanmar military regime carried out more than 1,200 deliberate air strikes on towns and villages where civilians lived as military targets since the coup in February 2021, according to the National Unity Government (NUG).

Airstrikes have destroyed 1080 homes, killed 541 residents, injured 433 civilians, and damaged 39 schools, 22 hospitals, and 54 religious buildings as of today.

In addition, since the declaration of the People's Resistance War, the violent crackdown of the military council has destroyed more than 75,000 homes, killed 4,552, injured 3,926, and displaced more than 1.9 million people.

According to NUG, such instances constitute a series of intentional acts of terrorism against the people, despite ASEAN's Five-Point Consensus and UN Security Council Resolution No. 2669, both of which the military chief agreed to.

The military council's crackdown has caused the entire population to face various socio- economic problems, and almost a third of the country's population is in need of emergency humanitarian aid.

According to the NUG, the military council controls most of the international humanitarian aid to Myanmar, preventing aid from reaching the people who really need it and impeding the process. While the NUG is systematically building the civil judicial system in the areas under its authority, the Ministry of Defense and the PDFs are also attempting to establish a multi-tiered military legal system, according to the statement.

The NUG also vows to work with the public to topple the military regime, which has been committing various acts of violence against the people, as soon as possible.

The NUG strongly urges the international community to support the Myanmar Spring Revolution in a more effective and practical way in the military, political, economic, and diplomatic sectors.


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