Mon IDPs Face Deepening Livelihood Struggles

Mon IDPs Face Deepening Livelihood Struggles

Mon Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) residing along the Thai-Myanmar border, near the area controlled by the New Mon State Party, are suffering ever worse situation with aid for IDPs  decreasing year after year. At the same time as aid decreases, their condition is hit by a double blow due to soaring commodity prices and ongoing military conflicts following the military coup.

According to Ko Myaing from the Baleh-Donephai IDP camp, "Many villagers here are unemployed. They engage in limited farming and rely on collecting and purchasing goods, but it's insufficient. Local villagers have been enduring these hardships for several years, and the support has stopped, making our difficulties worse."

According to a Mon IDP woman, many of them are compelled to seek employment abroad due to the worsening financial conditions. Consequently, only the elderly, chronically- ill individuals, and children remain in the camp, relying solely on assistance from donors to sustain their livelihoods.

She lamented, "There are no job opportunities in our village, so it would be greatly appreciated if we could receive support for our sustenance. Our village is situated in between two areas, making transportation extremely challenging. When it rains, we face even greater difficulties as we are unable to travel to either side."

Due to the hardships, the children are unable to pursue their education to completion, as they face obstacles that prevent them from finishing their studies.

Since 1992-93, people from different regions of Mon State have been forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in areas under the control of the New Mon State Party. This displacement has been a result of internal military conflicts and widespread human rights violations.

In response to the displacement of people who fled their homes, IDP camps have been set up in several regions along the Thailand-Myanmar border, including Halockhani, Baleh-Donephai, Chel Tite, Ye Chaung Phyar, and Dawei Chaung Phyar.

The IDP camps in Halockhani, Baleh-Donephai, Chel Tite, Ye Chaunghpyar region, and Dawei Chaunghpyar region currently accommodate a population of over 35,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Mon IDPs have been residing in the IDP camps for over 30 years, but there remains uncertainty regarding their long-term sustainability and the possibility of returning to their original homes.

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