
January 4, 2024
In Rakhine State, approximately 2300 out of a total of nearly 2830 basic education schools across 14 townships, including areas affected by the...
January 3, 2024
Khu Oo Reh, the chairperson of the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC), expressed optimism that those displaced by the conflict will be able to...
January 3, 2024
There is no evidence so far that Junta ‘s declared plan to reclaim all the military bases and outposts recently captured by the resistance in 2024,...
Houses ablaze in Thantlang Township, Chin State, as a result of Military Council artillery bombardment in October 2021
January 3, 2024
Following the Military Council's coup on February 1st, 2021, which ousted the democratically elected civilian government, the death toll attributed...
January 2, 2024
The Karen National Union (KNU) has called for a united and collaborative effort to articulate robust and unequivocal political postures, goals, and...
January 2, 2024
Local residents have observed stepped up military preparations by Junta forces in anticipation of a potential offensive from the Arakan Army (AA) in...
Muslim refugees who crossed the border illegally, arrested in Rathedaung Township in October 2023
January 2, 2024
In 2023, a total of 221 Rohingya refugees, who had crossed the border from Bangladesh into Rakhine State unlawfully, were apprehended. They were...
Leaders of CNO/CNDF, ZFU/PDF Zoland, CNC/CDF Mindat, gathering at Camp Rihil on December 17th
January 2, 2024
The Zomi Federal Union/People's Defence Force (ZFU/PDF-Zoland), Chin National Organization/Chin National Defence Force (CNO/CNDF), and Chin National...
January 2, 2024
Approximately 150 Junta soldiers were compelled to abandon their base in Paletwa Township in southern Chin State due to offensives launched by the...
December 23, 2023
Amnesty International (AI) reported On December 21st, that the Military Council has been conducting indiscriminate attacks resulting in civilian...
December 23, 2023
Following the second conference held at a certain location in Thailand from December 20th to 22nd, the Independent Press Council Myanmar (IPCM),...
Photo- UWSA
December 23, 2023
The National Unity Government has invited the United Wa State Party (UWSP) to work together to overthrow the military dictatorship and build a new...