Junta’s Military Buildup in Kyaukphyu Intensifies, as Conflict Escalates Near Chinese-investment Projects

Junta’s Military Buildup in Kyaukphyu Intensifies, as Conflict Escalates Near Chinese-investment Projects

Local residents have observed stepped up military preparations by Junta forces in anticipation of a potential offensive from the Arakan Army (AA) in the vicinity of Kyaukphyu Township, where substantial Chinese investment projects are located.

Junta forces have constructed at least 10 bunkers and positioned artillery units in the creek areas surrounding the town, expressing concerns about potential infiltration by AA fighters according to Kyaukphyu residents.

"Military Council forces have erected bunkers around Kyaukphyu, and maintain a continuous presence day and night. Additionally, they have imposed restrictions on the movement of people in the vicinity of the constructed bunkers”, a young activist from Kyaukphyu told Narinjara.

Residents report that along the dam dyke, spanning from Pyinphyumaw area in Ngapapwayt Ward to Olelseik in Kularbartaung Ward in Kyaukphyu Township, a minimum of 10 bunkers have been constructed, with approximately 60 Junta troops stationed there around the clock.

"Bunkers have been constructed along the dam dyke, and machine guns, along with 60mm mortars, have been deployed there. Their concern seems to revolve around the potential infiltration of AA members from the creeks and the subsequent attacks”, the aforementioned source said.

Residents additionally observed that in Ngapapwayt Ward, Kyaukphyu Township, along the creek, about 40 Junta troops are actively engaged in the ongoing construction of bunkers.

On December 22nd, 2023, clashes erupted in Kyaukphyu Township as AA attacked a military vehicle near the Thitpoketaung Dhanyawadi naval base.

Around 10:30 AM on December 23rd, a clash occurred between Sane town and Ahwataung village, located approximately 1300 meters north of Sane town in Kyaukphyu Township. The Three Brotherhood Alliance reported that four Junta troops sustained injuries during the gunfights.

Despite the intensifying conflicts in various townships of Rakhine State, including its extension to Kyaukphyu Township, the addendum to the contract for the deep seaport project - a key component of the special economic zone within the Chinese investment initiative—was officially signed on December 26th 2023.

While the Junta's newspapers propagate the notion that the deep-sea port project will generate additional job opportunities, locals express apprehension over the potential loss of their agricultural land and fishing sites. They draw parallels to the Shwe natural gas project, which, despite earning billions of dollars, has not brought significant benefits to the local community.

Currently the Junta has imposed restrictions on the travel and fishing rights of Kyaukphyu residents through a local order, leading to food shortages and increased hardships within the local population.

File photo: Kyaukphyu Airport

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