Military Council Conducts Arson Attack on Village in Southern Kale Township, Leaving Over 100 Houses Reduced to Ashes

Military Council Conducts Arson Attack on Village in Southern Kale Township, Leaving Over 100 Houses Reduced to Ashes

As a result of a week-long arson attack carried out by Military Council troops, over 100 homes in Tharsi village, situated in the southern part of Kale Township, Sagaing Region, were reduced to ashes. Additionally, thousands of residents from Tharsi village and nearby areas are fleeing the conflict in search of safety.

An individual responsible for the Kale Township IDPs Aid and Relief Group stated that Tharsi village, positioned along the Kale-Gangaw highway and situated roughly 3 miles from Kale Township, has been subjected to a series of arson attacks on residential homes. These attacks, involving the combined efforts of Military Council troops and their allied Pyu Saw Htee militias, have been ongoing since August 14.

"Starting from the 14th, the terrorist Military Council initiated a raid on the village of Tharsi. The arson attack that began on that day has persisted for a week. Within this span, more than 100 houses have been engulfed in flames. A single house caught fire due to artillery shell fire from the Military Council. Subsequently, the Military Council entered the village of Tharsi and commenced the arson attack," he said.

He further mentioned that Tharsi village, along with the neighboring villages, frequently becomes a focal point for military operations carried out by the Military Council troops. As a result, the local residents are forced to flee for safety on multiple occasions.

Moreover, as a consequence of the ongoing military conflict and clashes in and around Tharsi village, thousands of individuals from five villages are being forced to leave their homes and seek shelter in the IDP camp located in the southern part of Kale Township, as well as in nearby villages and even in Kale urban. This displacement has resulted in difficulties for them to obtain sufficient food resources.

"At the moment, the IDPs are residing in a secure and accommodating location. Yet, they are encountering significant food-related hardships. Our department is not currently in a position to extend assistance to them, despite our best efforts. The constraints are due to the absence of both domestic and foreign aid reaching us. This is the situation we are grappling with," conveyed one of the assisting individuals.

There have been reports indicating that Military Council troops conducted an arson attack in Tharsi village and killed five villagers. However, the local defense forces are currently conducting an investigation to verify these reports.

On August 15, during an intense battle between the Military Council troops and the joint regional defense forces, a Tharsi villager along with two cows were tragically killed as a result of airstrikes conducted by the Military Council. Furthermore, a 57-year-old individual named U Mhan Sein sustained serious injuries to his right hand, leg, and abdomen, undergoing surgical intervention.

Subsequently, following the suspected deployment of chemical weapons by the Military Council troops, seven fellow revolutionaries and twenty individuals were adversely impacted. Thankfully, they received prompt medical treatment, and they have now successfully recovered.

"When the artillery shell they launched hit the ground, it produced a significant amount of smoke. Those comrades who accidentally breathed in the smoke immediately fainted. Thankfully, swift medical intervention was provided, and everyone has since recovered," recounted one of the assisting individuals.

Although there is currently no ongoing skirmish near Tharsi village in the southern part of Kale Township, residents and those assisting say that there is a noticeable military tension and that a confrontation could potentially erupt at any moment.

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