Meeting Discussions Focus on Advancing Union's Interests, Reports PPST

Meeting Discussions Focus on Advancing Union's Interests, Reports PPST

The statement made by Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson for the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) of NCA-signatories' EAOs, after the April 21 meeting emphasized that the purpose of the gathering was to to seek a political resolution to the current problem, with the goal of benefiting both the Union and its citizens.

The meeting was conducted online on both April 20 and 21. Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt stated the significance of finding a political resolution to the ongoing issue, which is one of the three crucial components of the NCA. He further cautioned against the use of military means to resolve the issue, warning that it could result in substantial damage. The discussions during the meeting, therefore, were centered around urging and finding a solution that would benefit the Union and its citizens.

"The current crises faced by the people are fundamentally political in nature. Based on our past experience, attempting to solve political issues through military means often leads to significant damage and costs. As such, our focus is on encouraging constructive discussions and seeking political solutions to address the root cause of these problems for the Union," he told KIC.

Additionally, following the meeting, PPST and its partners released a statement outlining five key points aimed at expediting the implementation of peace and bringing an end to internal conflicts. As part of this effort, they have expressed theirintention to engage with political groups and indigenous armed forces.

One of the key points outlined in the statement is the encouragement for all stakeholders to participate in discussions aimed at resolving political conflicts. Additionally, PPST has expressed its willingness to work with international governments and organizations, including the ASEAN rotating chairpersons and representatives, who are dedicated to resolving the political crisis in Myanmar. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to achieve lasting peace and establish a federal democratic union.

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt has responded to public criticism regarding the ongoing discussions and political meetings between the PPST members and the Military Council.

"At this time, we are receiving criticism that we are not practical because we have different views. We hold talks with the intention of finding a solution to the political problem with our own ability to find a way to reduce conflicts. We cannot avoid the criticism," PPST spokesperson said.

Additionally, PPST released a statement condemning the air attack in Pazigyi Village, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division on April 11, which resulted in the mass killing and injury of civilians.

The meeting held today was attended by 7 NCA-EAOs, namely the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), Karen NationalUnion/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), New Mon State Party (NMSP), Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), and the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS). Additionally, female representatives of PPST were also present.

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