Locals Report MNDAA Yet to Fully Capture Lashio

Locals Report MNDAA Yet to Fully Capture Lashio

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), a Kokang ethnic armed organization, announced that it had fully captured Lashio Town, the junta's northeastern regional command headquarters. However, locals have reported that the MNDAA has not been able to control the entire town yet, and clashes are still ongoing.

A resident told KNG that as of the afternoon of July 26, fighting is still escalating in downtown Lashio, with both the junta and the MNDAA struggling to gain control of the entire town.

"At the moment, the situation is evenly split, 50:50. The MNDAA occupies half of the town, while the junta still controls the other half. It is not true that the MNDAA has control over the entire town. Clashes continue in some neighborhoods. However, there is a possibility that the MNDAA will take over Lashio sooner or later. Soldiers in the junta's regional command are already badly demoralized," he said.

The MNDAA announced around 10:00 AM on July 25 that Lashio had become a liberated area after the northeastern regional command headquarters had been completely captured earlier that morning. Despite this announcement, the situation remains complex, with the junta still resisting the MNDAA's offensive by excessively using artillery barrages and airstrikes, residents reported.

With the commander of the regional command headquarters having fled, the junta troops in Lashio are dispersing without specific commands and orders while trying to counter the MNDAA's advance. Currently, MNDAA troops have managed to approach the town hall and the junta's regional command headquarters. They are taking cover in civilian homes, resulting in increased civilian casualties due to the crossfire.

On July 26, exit routes were opened to allow residents trapped in the town to evacuate, and people were leaving in an orderly fashion. However, the main difficulty was the lack of relief groups to assist in evacuating the injured, a local remarked.

As of July 25, about 20 percent of Lashio's population was still trapped in the town, but evacuation opportunities began to emerge from the morning of July 26. Another resident commented that, even though there is no longer serious resistance from the junta bases in Lashio, the MNDAA has not yet taken over the entire town, and the situation remains complicated.

Meanwhile, the MNDAA declared that it will designate Lashio as a special administrative zone and will begin security operations in the area. The group also warned that actions would be taken against those spreading false information about Lashio's conditions.

A local said that the entire population unanimously opposes the junta but also does not favor the MNDAA much, leading to concerns about the MNDAA's takeover.

"The Kokang armed forces (MNDAA troops) are unpopular due to their reckless and undisciplined behaviors. They seem likely to adopt a communist system. Observing the situation in Monekoe and Hpawnghseng after their occupations, it is evident that the Kokang troops act without any regard for public opinion. They also forcibly draft recruits for military service. If they take over, there is a strong possibility that human rights violations could become even worse," he suggested.

On July 3, the MNDAA and allied resistance forces launched offensive operations aimed at capturing Lashio. After July 20, the MNDAA and its allies enjoyed military gains, capturing the junta's 41st and 68th infantry battalions, as well as the 522nd and 507th light infantry battalions, thereby seriously threatening the regional command headquarters.

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