Letkat Hill Battle Forces more people to flee from a war-zone in home

Letkat Hill Battle Forces more people to flee from a war-zone in home

The battle near the Letkat Hill in Southern Part of Myawaddy township between the military and resistance forces has triggered increasing displacement from villages people flee their homes and seek safe places to stay  in Myawaddy.

The Junta’s artillery shells struck several houses, which forced villagers to evacuate to Myawaddy, an aid worker told KIC that, “ it is very unsafe for those war-displaced individuals to return home.” "Residents from several villages, including Pwint Lin Aye Myaing and Myittar Lin Myaing, along with others livings on the west side of the bus terminal, have sought refuge in downtown Myawaddy. Tawya Monastery is currently providing shelter to 317 people from 89 households, making it the primary temporary camp for war-displaced individuals. The general administration office and social aid organizations in Myawaddy are actively assisting them, by providing food and conducting a headcount of the refugees. Altogether  - counting those sheltering at the monastery, and those seeking shelter in the neighborhoods, there at least 500 people have been displaced due to the conflict. And it is impossible for them to return home at this time”, he said.

On July 5th, a coalition of forces, led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), initiated a strategic offensive against the Letkat Hill artillery base, which was held by the Border Guard Force (BGF) under the Military Council’s command. This military operation culminated in the successful capture of the Letkat Hill base on July 21st.

The Military Council is preparing to mobilize its forces with the intention of recapturing that hill. In anticipation of the upcoming conflict, administrative officers under the Military Council are issuing warnings to residents living in the suburbs, advising them to evacuate the area prior to the commencement of the fighting.

"Myawaddy remains calm at the moment. However, we've observed the arrival of military reinforcements outside the town. They are discreetly stationing sentinels and artillery at Kyauk Lone Gyi ward, Mya Sandi Bus Terminal, Mya Sandi Golf Course, 275th Battalion, and behind Hay Man Oo Monastery”, a Myawaddy resident reported.

At present, KNLA and joint forces are  actively conducting area clearance operations throughout the Letkat Mountain Range since they have captured the point.

According to KNLA sources, clashes between KNLA-led joint forces and the Military Council are also underway in Kyainseikgyi, Payathonzu (Three Pagodas Pass), Hpapun, and Thandaung townships in Karen State.

These clashes have resulted in significant damage to residential houses, religious buildings, farmlands, and orchards. As a consequence, the number of Karen war-displaced individuals has surged to over 200,000, as reported by Karen social organizations.

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