Landmine explosions seriously injure two Rakhine civilians in five days

Landmine explosions seriously injure two Rakhine civilians in five days

Two civilians were seriously injured in separate landmine explosions within five days in Arakan State of western Myanmar. Both the victims have lost their legs in the blasts.

On 11 September, U Maung Aye Sein hailing from Thamin Krie Rar village under Min Bya township was injured as he stepped on a landmine.

Earlier on 8 September, U Ba Shwe from Kuon Ownsu village under Kyauk Taw township also suffered serious leg injuries as he too stepped on a landmine.

A relative of Maung Aye Sein informed that he faced the accident at 9 am as he went to look for crabs on the bank of a creek near the Min Bya-based battalion number 541. He was sent to Min Bya hospital where the doctors amputated his right leg. His other leg also sustains injuries.

The relative also added that Maung Aye Sein is going to be shifted to Mrauk U hospital to get better treatment as his injuries remain serious.

On the other hand, Ba Shwe sustained injuries in a landmine blast as he went to the mountain to collect bamboo. His right leg was also amputated by the doctors to save his life.

His brother U Maung Ba Sein informed that he is currently in Yo Tayoke station hospital and recovering slowly.

On 29 August too, a local resident of Tarein village under Maungdaw township faced a landmine explosion. Earlier on 5 August, a villager from Min Bya township stepped on a landmine as he went to collect firewood from a nearby mountain. He too had to lose one leg.

During the last seven months, at least seven Arakanese people were killed, and 20 others injured in landmine explosions, stated the Rakhine Ethnic Congress. Locals allege that those were planted by the junta forces to prevent the Arakan Army members from continued attacks.

Meanwhile, the United League of Arakan/ Arakan Army (ULA/AA) advised the people not to go near any places where army personnel are stationed and also where the battle had taken place in the past few months.

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