KNU and EAOs Prioritise Unity over Stopping Illegal Gambling

KNU and EAOs Prioritise Unity over Stopping Illegal Gambling

The Karen National Union (KNU) is unwilling to stop large gambling events happening in the area mainly under the control of KNU Brigade 7, because doing so would upset other ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) involved in the gambling.

Touring gambling events known as ‘Our Days’ events are happening ever more often in the villages of Hlaingbwe Township, in Karen State's Hpa-An District, an area mainly controlled by KNU Brigade 7.

Gambling is illegal in Myanmar.

These events, which have been happening in Hlaingbwe Township for about 10 years now, move from village to village much like country fairs. Though they are there primarily to give people places to gamble, they also provide entertainment. Stages are set up, plays are performed and loud music is played, which keeps locals up at night and means they cannot sleep. The events are also associated with a rise in levels of crime, such as motorcycle thefts.

But now, such events are happening far more frequently and despite villagers' complaints, nothing is being done to stop them. Currently, there are about 20 illegal operations in Hlaingbwe Township, approximately 10 of which are ‘Our Days’ events.

Previously the KNU tolerated such events because it did not want to come into conflict with the other ethnic armed organisations running and protecting the events, such as the the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), and the KNU/KNLA Peace Council (KPC).

The KNU claims it would like to do something about these gambling events but it continues to do nothing because, even since the 20212 coup, it still prioritises its relations with other EAOs over the problems gambling might cause to residents of Hlaingbwe Township.

The KNU itself may even have a conflict of interest, as some lower ranked KNU members are also involved in and profiting from the gambling rings.

All the groups involved in the gambling, KNU Brigade 7, the Karen BGF, the DKBA, and the KPC are members of the Unity Committee for Karen Armed Groups (UCKAG) which is probably another reason why the KNU wants to avoid conflict with them.

On 29 March 2024, leaders of the four UCKAG member groups signed an agreement to take effective action against illegal gambling rings in Hpa-An District and issued a directive banning their operations.

Unsurprisingly, since then, these groups have done nothing to try and stop the gambling.

The situation has actually got worse because all of the armed groups that make up the UCKAG are in some way involved in the Our Days gambling events.

According to Hlaingbwe Township residents, the Karen BGF is providing security for illegal gambling organisations in the township.

A resident of Hlaingbwe Township said: “No gambling ring dares to operate without the approval of armed organisations. These businesses exist only because they have received permission from one of these groups, and their numbers have now increased significantly.”

Even if the gambling events have to shut down or move it is easy for them to set up elsewhere nearby.

Another Hlaingbwe Township resident said: “The Pae Kone gambling ring, which was once widely reported in the news, is no longer in operation. However, the gambling rings have now relocated to Paung Yae Pu and Htee Poe Kain villages [in Hlaingbwe Township]. Along the road leading to these villages, numerous gambling rings operate openly, without fear of consequences.”

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