KNLA recaptures 103rd battalion’s headquarters from junta

KNLA recaptures 103rd battalion’s headquarters from junta

The 103rd Battalion headquarters of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in the area of the 6th Brigade, which was occupied by the junta army, was retaken by the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO) Joint Force after continuous drone attacks, said the Federal Wings, an allied force of the KNDO, on February 23.

According to the statement, on the afternoon of February 21, a military column of about 50 troops raided and burned the headquarters of the KNLA’s 103rd Battalion in the south of Myawaddy, in the Brigade 6 area of the KNU, through Wallay strategic hill.

After raiding the headquarters of the KNLA’s 103rd Battalion, the regime army continuously fired heavy weapons at the Kawthoolei Army (KTLA) headquarters, but no damage was reported, according to the spokesperson of KTLA.

The KNDO’s 8th Security Battalion and Special Commando Battalion, Federal Wings joint forces were able to recapture their occupied battalion headquarters at around noon on February 22 after continuous drone attacks, the statement added.

In the raid on the KNLA’s 103rd Battalion headquarters by junta forces, the members of the KNLA were not harmed or injured, but their cars and motorcycles were set on fire.

Currently, the situation between the Joint Forces and the regime army in the Walley area of the 6th Brigade is still tense, and it is reported that residents of 10 villages, including Maw Khee, Ukayit Khee, Htee Kapale, Panwe Phoeloe, and Htee Thaele, have been fleeing heavy firing and airstrikes by the military council.

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