KNLA and its Allies Recapture Palu, Burma Army Respond with Airstrike and Heavy Artillery

KNLA and its Allies Recapture Palu, Burma Army Respond with Airstrike and Heavy Artillery

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) recaptured the Palu areas from the Burma Army, including its artillery launching base on a hilltop near Palu Lay village. The KNLA said it had retreated from the Palu area after heavy fighting with the Burma Army last month.

A local KNLA commander spoke to Karen News about the battle to win back the territory from the Burma Army.

“We have now regained control of the [Burma Army] hilltop base. It was a strategic target, whoever gets control of the hilltop will take position there and control the area from the high ground. Now we have the position under our control.”

Karen National Union officials said that at around 3pm on Wednesday, February 16, two helicopters from the Burma Army carried out an airstrike at the scene of the fighting, resulting in a villager being wounded and churches and houses damaged.

Fighting forced displaced villagers to seek safety on the Thai side of the border – they are now facing shelter and accommodation difficulties.

A displaced community leader, said thousands of displaced villagers are now preparing to flee to safety in fear of Burma Army airstrikes and heavy artillery bombing.

The KNLA’s Brigade 6 had placed the Burma Army bases under siege since the morning of February 15, and at around noon on the 16th February, KNLA forces regained control of Palu Kyi and Phalu Lay village, including the Palu Lay village, hilltop artillery base, under the command of the Burma Army and its militia, the Border Guard Force (BGF).

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