KIO District Office in Hpakant Township Burned Down by Military Council After Sudden Attack

KIO District Office in Hpakant Township Burned Down by Military Council After Sudden Attack

On June 21, the Military Council launched an unexpected attack on the district office of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) situated in Hpakant Township, Kachin State. The office was subsequently set on fire and destroyed by the Military Council at around 10:00 am.

According to a local resident in Hpakant, the Military Council conducted a raid on the KIO district office located in Hsengtaung Ward 3, Hpakant Township, between 3:30 am and 4:30 am today.

"There was no exchange of gunfire during the incident. Present at the district office were only the office staff and guards. Additionally, there were individuals present to oversee those who were detained, numbering around four or five. There were no other individuals present, and no one was armed,” said a resident of Hpakant.

Additionally, the local resident mentioned that there were reports of injuries during the military council raid on the KIO district office, but the exact number of casualties is currently unknown.

He further reported that the Military Council also arrested over 30 individuals from the surrounding area, including individuals associated with the KIO district office.

On the evening of June 20, in Hsengtaung Hmaw Shan Ward, a group of over 30 Military Council troops, dressed in civilian attire, attempted to stop a car near Shwe Naga grocery store at an intersection. However, the car refused to stop and attempted to flee. In response, the Junta troops opened fire, resulting in the death of the driver.

Another resident of Hpakant reported that the owner of the car, which had fled the scene, was found dead with a gunshot wound on the hill above Shan Kone market. Additionally, individuals from another car were arrested by the Military Council troops.

Furthermore, on June 20 at 11:00 a.m., Military Council troops conducted vehicle inspections at two locations in Kamaing town, located in Hpakant township.

According to a resident of Kamaing, the Military Council troops are actively engaged in stopping and inspecting vehicles traveling between Mogaung township. These inspections take place at various locations within Kamaing town and Kawngra village, Kamaing village-tract.

The resident mentioned that there is a possibility that the Military Council troops are collecting money from the vehicles and releasing them instead of confiscating them.

"They seemed to be stopping vehicles and possibly demanding money. I didn't see them actually arresting any vehicles, but they were conducting checks on vehicles traveling along Mogaung," the resident remarked.

Currently, there is information that each of the two mentioned places is being guarded by more than 20 Military Council troops, and these troops are reportedly from the Kamaing tactical command center.

According to the resident, in May, the 33rd Military Council Division, which relocated from Sagaing, arrived at the Kamaing tactical command center. They have been conducting strict inspections and checks on pedestrians at various intersections in Kamaing town and its outskirts.

Furthermore, during the first week of June, the Military Council conducted driver's license checks for travel vehicles at the intersection of Kamaing town. They also stopped unlicensed vehicles, resulting in the arrest of at least 10 unlicensed vehicles.

The Military Council in Hpakant township is stopping and inspecting cars. If vehicles refuse to stop, they resort to shooting and arresting people. Furthermore, there is an ongoing pursuit and arrest of KIO/KIA members and individuals associated with them.

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