Junta threatens to torch villages if residents refused to leave villages in Mone Township

Junta threatens to torch villages if residents refused to leave villages in Mone Township

The military council is expelling local residents from two villages in the Mone Township that is controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) and threatening to set their houses on fire if they do not leave, the KNU reported.

On September 11, the military council met with the elders of Tamarkhaw and Taungsu villages in the KNU-controlled area of Mone Township, Nyaunglaypin District, and threatened to burn down the homes of the residents if they did not leave the village.

Due to the threat of the military council, since September 12, all the residents of Tamakhaw village, with a population of 334, have moved to the Nobi Khee village and nearby villages on the west bank of the Sittaung River.

According to KNU, the villagers of Taungsu village continue to live in the village under the management of responsible officials of Mone Township.

Pado Saw Tawni, a spokesman for the KNU, said he was sorry for the oppression by the military council and urged the people to remain strong.

"People are struggling every day for their livelihood. We are sorry for that. The military council couldn’t do anything according to the government's features, and the people suffered a lot. We want to encourage people not to be depressed. In such a situation, we will continue to work together," he said.

There are ongoing clashes between the junta forces and the KNLA/KNDO in Brigade 3 Nyaunglaybin District and more than 20,000 people have been internally displaced in August alone.

Currently, the number of IDPs in Nyaunglaybin District has reached more than 80,000, and they are in need of a lot of humanitarian assistance, according to KNU.

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