The Junta Imposes Ban on road transport from Kale to Chin Mountain Range

The Junta Imposes Ban on road transport from Kale to Chin Mountain Range

The Military Council has issued a temporary suspension of passenger bus services operating from Kale Township in Sagaing Region to settlements along the Chin Mountain Range, locals said.

That travel restriction was announced on July 3rd, four days after the Siyin Civic Defense Militia (CDM-Siyin) issued a warning regarding their intention to attack the Thaingin village-based Military Council troops, who have been conducting strict inspections of travelers on the Kale-Tedim Road.

"The Military Council has implemented a travel ban in response to our warning. They justify this restriction by expressing concern over potential attacks by the People's Defense Force (PDF) operating between Kale and Thaingin on travelers. However, it is clear that their true intention is to carry out operations along the road”, an official of CDM-Siyin noted.

CDM-Siyin announced on June 30th that in response to increased inspections and arrests by the Military Council unit in Thaingin, accusing young passengers of being PDF members and detaining them, resistance forces have decided to launch an attack on these troops, urging locals to evacuate beforehand to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

The youth detained by Military Council troops stationed near Thaingin village have still not been released.

Locals estimate that there are approximately 40 to 60 Junta soldiers are deployed near Thaingin village.

Thaingin village holds strategic significance as it serves as a crucial crossroads connecting Kale to Falam, Hakha, Tedim, and Rikhawdar townships in Chin State. As a result of the escalating military situation, both the residents of Thaingin and the villages situated between Kale and Thaingin are compelled to evacuate as a precautionary measure.

According to a source connected to the passenger transport lines, the Military Council permits vehicles originating from the Chin Mountain Range to enter Kale Township, while strictly prohibiting any vehicles from Kale to the Chin Mountain Range to leave.


"We have been informed that the restriction will likely endure for at least three days, although we are not entirely certain. Even today, individuals planning to travel are compelled to return home upon discovering that the buses are still prohibited from departing. While buses are allowed to enter Kale, exiting the area remains restricted”, the source told Khonumthung News.

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