Junta detains Kyaukphyu administrator

Junta detains Kyaukphyu administrator

The Myanmar military detained a ward administrator in Kyaukphyu Township on Friday, according to locals.

U Naing Zaw Lin, 35, the administrator of Thanpanchaung Ward, was arrested by Kyaukphyu- based Light Infantry Battalion No. 34, said a resident.

“I heard that the ward administrator was detained at his house by soldiers from Infantry Battalion 34 and a military security affairs officer,” he said.

The Myanmar military has detained at least 30 government employees and locals since August. Some have subsequently been released, but many remain detained, according to locals.

One ward administrator from Kyaukphyu said he was concerned about the arrests of his peers.

“I think some four ward and village administrators have been detained in Kyaukphyu. We don’t know the exact number. We have to be very careful to avoid engaging in any activity that could attract arrest,” the administrator said on condition of anonymity.

The military detained the administrator of Kyaukphyu’s Pyin Phyu Maw Ward on November 2, and administrator Soe Hla Tun from Zediya Ward on October 31.

The regime has also arrested administrative clerks and other civil servants. In October, the regime arrested a senior clerk from the Thandwe District General Administration Department, and a clerk from the Seikgyi Village administration, over their alleged ties to the Arakan Army (AA).

More than 70 administrators submitted their resignations earlier this month in Ponnagyun Township after some of their colleagues were arrested amid rising military tensions between the military and Arakan Army in the area.

DMG was unable to obtain comment from junta spokesman Major-General Zaw Min Tun and Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura about the arrests of local administrators.

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