Junta Arrests Around 200 in Sittwe Including Residents and IDPs

Junta Arrests Around 200 in Sittwe Including Residents and IDPs

Around 200 people from Mingan ward in Sittwe town Rakhine State, were arrested by Junta troops on June 16, and they are currently have no contact with their families.

Around 1:00 pm, approximately 10 military vehicles unexpectedly arrived at blocks 5, 8, 9, and 10 in Mingan ward. Then soldiers proceeded to enter each house making arrests, according to witnesses.

"Soldiers conducted the arrests between around 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. The reason for these arrests is still unknown. Some were apprehended with their faces concealed.

Their whereabouts remain unknown too, and there is still no information about them”, a woman who experienced the arrest of a household member reported.

Those arrested included both men and women aged 15 to over 50, as well as villagers from Yaechanpyin, Aungtaing, Palinpyin, Ohnyayphaw, and Kyattawpyin—forced to flee their homes due to Junta pressure and seeking refuge in Mingan—are also among the detainees.

Families are especially concerned about the unknown whereabouts of those who were arrested.

However, there were reports that some of those arrested managed to contact their families by phone, stating they were being held in the Muslim village of Darpai, west of Sittwe, and demanding a ransom of 700,000 MMK each for their release. Confirming the situation proved difficult, and later contact via phone was completely cut off, as reported by a source familiar with the matter.

During the night of June 16, Junta troops captured more Mingan residents, while checking the overnight guest lists.

"The arrests occurred around 9:00 PM. Some of my friends were also taken, but we do not know where they've been taken yet”, a Sittwe resident said.

With the threat of urban conflict looming, residents of Sittwe are attempting to escape the town. However, strict blockades by the Junta on travel routes and the inability to afford travel expenses are posing significant hardships for impoverished locals trying to flee.

Concerns among Sittwe residents are also escalating as the Junta intensifies arrests in the town.

"We want to leave town, but it's not possible, so we're staying here. We feel unsafe, wondering when we might be arrested. Besides worrying about our finances during the crisis, we also fear being arrested by the Junta at any moment”, a local said.

On May 29, Junta troops arrested over 300 villagers in Byaiphyu village, Sattyoekya ward, Sittwe, killing at least 76 people, and initiating legal action against several others.


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