An interview with Daw Than Nwe Aung, Chair of Shan Statethe Persons with Disabilities Association.

An interview with Daw Than Nwe Aung, Chair of Shan Statethe Persons with Disabilities Association.
by -
YaineTaing (Shan Herald News Agency)

Shan Herald News Agency interviewed Daw Than Nwe Aung about the challenges and difficulties for disabled people to exercise their voting rights. She is an activist working for the rights of women and the persons with disabilities.

Q: What is the arrangement for disabled people to vote?

A: I have heard that the election commission is making preparations to give priority re- voting of disabled persons in Shan State. The main point is that the persons with disabilities who have turned 18, need to have NRC cards. They can cast their votes only when they have NRC cards. The polling booths should also have wheelchair access. The visually-impaired persons can cast their votes with the help of a friend. People with mental disabilities have the right to vote. They can cast their ballots for the candidates with the help of a guardian. The persons with disabilities can also run as candidates.

Q: What would you like to say in support of candidates with disabilities?

A: Some people think that the persons with disabilities have no right to be elected. As a matter of fact, the disabled persons can achieve more for the rights of the disabled when they are in the parliament. Therefore, the disabled persons who are qualified should be elected.  Taking a look at the situations in other countries, disabled persons can even become president.  People with disabilities have equal rights as everyone else.

Q: What do you want to say about the problems faced by disabled persons in the upcoming election?

A: Some persons with disabilities even do not know their voting rights. Others are unable to cast their ballots as they have no NRC cards. Some persons with disabilities cannot cast their votes as they find it difficult to go to the polling booths. Some persons with disabilities have assumed that nothing will happen unless they cast their votes. A ballot paper is crucial. We ourselves need to cast our votes and to organize the persons with disabilities to go to the polling booths. We need to help them to easily cast their votes.

Q: What kinds of candidates do you expect for the persons with disabilities?

A: I want the candidate who can serve the interest of all the people in the country.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: A good environment is required for the persons with disabilities. They will become the able persons if there is an enabling environment that respects them. That’s why, I would like to urge the people to make their spirits strong and extend a helping hand to the persons with disabilities.

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