Drug dealers in Putao bribe police then carry on selling Narcotics

Drug dealers in Putao bribe police then carry on selling Narcotics

In the town of Putao in Kachin state, police have arrested dealers selling heroin, and yaba (methamphetamine), but are releasing them if they afford to pay a bribe, locals said.

Putao police and surveillance officers are jointly arresting drug dealers in Lone Zut, Myoma, and Airport wards in Putao township.

However the police demand money from the suspects, then released them and allowed the dealers to continue their business,a man from Airport ward told KNG on condition of anonymity.

“There have been four events like this in Lone Zut ward and Myoma ward. The first arrest was in March last year. After a while, they were released again. I heard that they were released after paying 500,000 kyats. Even though they have been arrested, they continue to sell,” he said.

Last year, drug dealers were arrested twice in Lone Zut ward, once in Myoma, once in Airport, and this year there were two more arrests in Lone Zut ward.

“All those who were arrested were released after a bribe was handed over,” said a resident of Myoma ward who did not want to be named.

“ I don’t know if the surveillance officers and subordinates are only taking bribes,or if it reaches higher up and the district police force knowingly allows it. One dealer who was caught in Myoma in January of this year, another was caught twice in Lone Zut. One of them was released for 10 lakh kyats, and one was released with more than 10 lakh kyats. Some police came in

civilian clothes and arrested them. Instead of taking them to the police station, they negotiated at home. They gave the money to the police and they were released,” he told KNG.

In Putao, local residents say that the number of drug users, even teenagers is increasing because the police are allowing drug dealers to continue selling drugs after taking money and then releasing them.

In Putao Township, where there were only a few drug dealers and users before the coup, but now the number of dealers and users has increased significantly since the coup.

Although only the Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao road is used to transport goods to Putao township, residents say that no drugs have been seized at military checkpoints along the route.

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