Cyclone Mocha devastates Tain Nyo IDP camp thousands displaced

Cyclone Mocha devastates Tain Nyo IDP camp thousands displaced

Yesterday Cyclone Mocha devastated the entire camp at Tain Nyo Internally Displaced People (IDP) camp in Mrauk U township, and about 80 percent of the houses in Tain Nyo village were also destroyed.

The Tain Nyo IDP camp is a camp that shelters 773 households and provides refuge for a population of 2,864 people. This  IDP camp, which had previously been damaged by a fire in 2021, had to undergo reconstruction before being hit by Cyclone Mocha.

According to U Kyaw Myint, the person in charge of the camp, the residents are currently facing hardships with their living conditions and access to food. They only have enough food for one more day, making it critical for them to urgently receive clean drinking water and additional food supplies.

“We're sharing and eating whatever we can. I don't think there'll be any food today or tomorrow. We urgently need help,” he said. The destruction of homes in Tain Nyo village, forced both IDPs and villagers to seek refuge in monasteries and schools for safety and shelter.

A resident of Tain Nyo village expressed the urgent need for help and rescue due to the extreme challenges faced in their daily lives.

Likewise, in Sittwe Township, the roofs of religious buildings, houses, and other structures were blown away and suffered damage. However due to the phone line being disconnected with Sittwe Township, it is currently impossible to assess the full extent of the destruction.

This morning, photographs of Sittwe Township revealed the aftermath of the cyclone. The images showed the scattered concrete frame of Sittwe Kannar Road, which was broken into pieces due to the powerful storm surge caused by the cyclone.

In the townships of Sittwe, Mrauk U, Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Gwa, Munaung, and Toungok in Rakhine State, extensive damage occurred to temples, pagodas, schools, public hospitals, markets, and houses.

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