Conflict in KNU territories results in 12 civilian deaths, 27 injuries in November

Conflict in KNU territories results in 12 civilian deaths, 27 injuries in November

In the fighting that erupted in November in the Karen National Union (KNU)-administered areas, 12 civilians were killed and 27 were injured as a result of military operations targeting civilians and human rights violations, the KNU reported.

The regime troops and the BGF conduct military operations and commit human rights abuses in the Kawthoolei region, and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) fight against them on a daily basis.

The junta’s artillery firing, aerial bombing, planting mines, and indiscriminate killings targeting the people in the KNU’s Brigade 1 (Thaton District), Brigade 2 (Taungoo District), Brigade 3 (Nyaunglaybin), Brigade 4 (Myeik-Dawei), Brigade 5 (Hpapun District), and Brigade 6 (Dooplayar), resulted in 12 civilian deaths and 27 others sustained injuries.

More than 80 local homes, churches, schools, and clinics were damaged as a result of the arson and attacks carried out by the military council’s aircraft, drones, and heavy weapons. The military council forcibly stole public property and money and the villagers are subjected to forced labor.

In November, nearly 300 clashes occurred between the BGF and Military Council and the KNLA/KNDO, resulting in 333 deaths and 237 injuries on the junta side.

Some junta members were captured alive, and some surrendered to the KNU along with their weapons, the statement said.

It added that the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) lost 30 lives and injured 68 in the fighting.

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