he Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) donated 100 million Kyats to nine flood affected townships in Chin State through the leaders of the Chin National Front (CNF). on 13 August.
Pu Paul Sitha, General Secretary (1) of the CNF said: “We are very grateful for the donation of 100 millions kyats given by the KIO as most of the Chin people are worried about their futures and facing various hardships today. It is the worst natural disaster in Chin State’s history. This contribution shows deep sympathy towards the Chin people who are facing severe floods and landslides in Chin State.”
A Chin State Government report says that 40 schools, 16 churches, 28 government buildings, 1812 houses, 105 roads, 73 bridges and canals and 1707 acres of arable land were destroyed by the flood and landslides. The total values of the losses is over 10.5 billion kyats.
The place that suffered the most damage was Hakha, the capital of Chin State. The Old Town, the Old Market and the Pidawta blocks suffered so much damage they will have to be relocated. About 10,000 people had to be evacuated from their houses in the town.
The report also pointed out that it is hard to know exactly what effects the flooding and landslides have had in the more remote parts of Chin State as most of the roads are unpassable, making it impossible to get from one village to another.
Edited in English by Mark Inkey for BNI