Dr Sasa, the founder of the Chin community based organisation, the Health and Hope Society, has donated 500 bags of rice and other food items to the victims of bad weather conditions in Hakha, the Chin State capital.
The rice and food items were purchased in Silchar in Assam State, India. They will be transported from there to Mizzoram State in India and then to Hakha immediately.
Dr Sasa said: “The rice bags will be transported through Vanzang via Thantlang town to Hakha. I asked the assistance of the Chin National Front (CNF) leaders to get the food items to the Hakha Rescue Committee safely as we all have a duty to rescue the victims of the natural disaster from food shortages and problems of homelessness not only in Hakha, but also in other towns and villages.”
Pu Paul Sitha, Secretary (1) CNF said that in Chin State Hakha had suffered the most due to the bad weather conditions followed by Paletwa Town.
He added: “If the roads from Matupi town connecting it with other townships are totally destroyed, they could also be facing possible food shortages."
Edited in English for BNI by Mark Inkey