The matriculation examination passed percentage in Chin state is 14.36% this year. It is lower than last year record in the academic session 2015-2016 in Myanmar.
The passed percentage of tenth standard has been lower than 3% compared with previous year.
There were 9,846 students sat in the last matriculate examination, and only 1,414 passed the exam. Five students passed with distinctions in five subjects, two students passed with distinction in four subjects, 18 passed with three distinction, 37 got two distinctions and 210 got one distinction respectively.
The exam results were announced on Saturday, June 11. Remarkably, Chin State scored the lowest passing rate with 14.36% in Myanmar and the highest is 39.37 percentage in Mon state. Mandalay Division took second place with 35.50% and Rangoon Division was followed 3rd position with 33.21%.
Over 590,000 students across the country sat in the 2016 matriculation exam, according to official statistics.