The Chin National Front Chairman, Pu Zing Cung, said that comprehensive political dialogue and national peace will not happen until all ethnic armed organisations (EIOs) are included in the ceasefire.
He made the comments at the third meeting of the Implementation Committee for Resolutions Made at the Second Chin National Conference. The meeting was held in Carson Hall in Hakha, the Chin State capital, from 9 to 11 June.
In his opening speech Pu Zing Cun said: ““While we must all work together and strive to reach a ceasefire with all ethnic armed groups, the current ruling government and the military also need to have all [ethnic armed] organisations involved [in the ceasefire].”
He also said that the tactic of demanding that all EAOs surrender their arms has been unsuccessful and he strongly urged the current government and the Tatmadaw [Burma Army] to work on creating an all-inclusive political dialogue.
The Implementation Committee of 45 members was formed to enact the 151 resolutions agreed on at Second Chin National Conference, which was held in Hakha in 2013. Later the committee was reorganised to include 50 members in order to make it more efficient.
At the meeting the committee also agreed on policies to be submitted to the 21st Century Panglong Conference. The policies agreed on covered issues of politics, security, economics, the environment and social and land rights.
Over 100 people, including representatives of political parties, representatives of different areas and invited guests attended the Implementation Committee meeting.
Translated by Thida Linn
Edited in English by Mark Inkey for BNI