Pu Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister of Mizoram has urged Indian central government official, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh to expedite the project of Kaladan multi-modal transit project on 24 May 2016 in New Delhi.
Lal Thanhawla told the Union Minister that the Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project can improve bilateral trade between Mizoram and Myanmar and requested him to take effort so that India can effectively benefit from trade with neighbouring Myamar.
Lal Thanhawla also asked the Home Minister to provide security-related expenditure to Mizoram for better security deployment along the international border.
“This project will be very helpful for the commercial trade between Mizoram and Myanmar. Indian will get many benefits from the wealth of natural resources in Myanmar. That’s why it is very important to finish early,” said CM Lal Thanhawla.
The Union Home Minister on his part informed Lal Thanhawla that he has taken note and assured to look into the issues.
Government of India has invested about USD 214 millions on Kaladan Model Transit Transport project, and which will connect India’s northeastern states through Myanmar to its Sittwe port was intended to be a landmark project that would power India’s links to Asean region. Signed in 2008, the project was supposed to be completed by 2013.