Arakan Army Takes Full Control of Mrauk-U, Ancient Capital of Rakhine Dynasties and sinks 3 Naval ships

Arakan Army Takes Full Control of Mrauk-U, Ancient Capital of Rakhine Dynasties and sinks 3 Naval ships

The Three Brotherhood Alliance declared that its member, the Arakan Army (AA), successfully completed the capture of Mrauk-U on February 8th, the former capital of Rakhine's ancient dynasties.

In another victory for AA, three Navy vessels belonging to the Military Council were sunk during the battle. AA also declared February 8th as a historic day, marking the successful sinking of enemy vessels fighting in a naval battle.

The Alliance's statement reported that the AA had effectively initiated an offensive to eliminate the 31st police battalion, the sole remaining Junta force in Mrauk-U, known for perpetrating harassment against the local populace and damaging ancient historical sites. The collapse of that police battalion indicates that AA now has full control over Mrauk-U.

AA has seized control of Mrauk-U by defeating the Junta's 540th Light Infantry Battalion, as well as the 377th and 378th Infantry Battalions, which were previously stationed there.

Furthermore, AA fighters successfully sank three Navy combat vessels navigating the riverway and managed to inflict significant damage on another vessel that attempted to attack AA positions.

According to reports released by AA, seven vessels operated by the Junta in Rakhine State were sabotaged in various ways, rendering them incapable of use.

In the recent clash, AA managed to sink three of the Junta's landing assault vessels while they were still afloat, emphasizing that those who fled and ignored warnings to surrender were hotly pursued and will not be exempt from consequences.

The statement from the Three Brotherhood Alliance also reported that intense fighting between AA and Junta troops continued in various townships across Rakhine State, including Ramree, Rathedaung, Taungup, Kyaukphyu, and Ponnagyun Townships. The Alliance also alleged that during these clashes, the coup Military Council resorted to excessive airstrikes and shelling in an attempt to counter AA's offensive, deliberately targeting civilians in the process.

The Alliance's statement further asserted that the Military Council is deliberately intensifying attacks on civilians, including women and children, in areas where resistance has gained strength across Myanmar. Such actions blatantly violate the Geneva Conventions and constitute clear instances of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the Alliance concluded.

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