Abbot U Min Thu Nya Slams Donors to Junta leader ‘s Colossal Buddha Image, as Endorsing Thuggery

Abbot U Min Thu Nya Slams Donors to Junta leader ‘s Colossal Buddha Image, as Endorsing Thuggery

Abbot U Min Thu Nya (Buddha University) strongly condemned businessmen who contribute funds to the coup leader  General Min Aung Hlaing ‘s construction of the colossal Mayawizaya Buddha Image in Naypyidaw, as supporters of thuggery.

The abbot condemned the Junta leader as responsible for brutal oppression of the people.

 On June 29th, the Junta chief personally extended invitations to businessmen, providing them with detailed information regarding the ambitious project of constructing the world's tallest Buddha Image.

Subsequently the Military Council's propaganda newspapers reported that 101 businessmen had made commitments to donate a combined sum exceeding 16 billion kyats towards the project.

U Min Thu Nya pointed out that the Military Council chief’s attempt to mask his oppressive actions through religious endeavors, is tantamount to insulting the Buddha. He further cautioned that individuals who support the Junta head’s deceitful actions by contributing funds, would also be held accountable for their involvement.

"Those who, despite being aware of such an insulting act to the Buddha, donate billions of kyats, are the ones nurturing the poisonous plant. It is akin to endorsing a thug, enabling him to perpetrate further acts of brutality and inhumanity. Therefore anyone contributing funds to the Junta chief will, in turn become an accomplice in view of  history”, he said.

The primary financial backers of the Military Council head’s Buddha Image construction project include U Khin Maung Aye, the chairman of CB Bank, with a contribution of  2,200 million kyats, followed by U Kyay, the owner of Wai Mar Company, who pledged 2000 million kyats, and U Wunna Khaing from Eden Company, who donated 1,500 million kyats.

U Thein Zaw Win, the proprietor of ATOM Communication Technology Company, also contributed 560 million kyats, while U Htun Myint Naing, the owner of Asia World Company, generously donated 500 million kyats. Notably, businessman U Maung Weik, who faced imprisonment following the coup but has since been released, also contributed 100 million kyats to the Junta chief’s project.

Following the coup, the leader of the Military Council intensified his involvement in religious pursuits, seemingly in a desperate attempt to bolster his tarnished reputation. Notably he embarked on a visit to Russia, alongside the renowned Thidagu abbot, during which they constructed and presented a replica of the revered Shwedagon Pagoda in Moscow.   

According to U Min Thu Nya, the stark contradiction arises when an individual who has been responsible for detaining and killing people, burning homes, and subjecting others to intimidation, attempts to compensate for these actions by donating a Buddha Image. He asserts that the financial support given to such an individual merely serves as reinforcement for the pillars that sustain the oppressive dictatorship.

It is evident that their purported donations towards the construction of the Buddha Image were nothing but a facade. The true implication behind these contributions was that businessmen aligned with the Military Council were essentially funding the acquisition of weapons for the Military Council ”, U Min Thu Nya added.

The groundbreaking ceremony of Mayawizaya Buddha Image took place in Dekkhina Thiri Township, Naypyidaw, in mid-2020, prior to the coup. However, following the Military Council's seizure of power, the construction of the project was expedited.

While the  Junta chief's engagement in religious activities to cultivate a positive image has increased after 2022, his subordinate soldiers have ruthlessly taken the lives of over 3,700 individuals and wrought destruction upon more than 70,000 homes and structures through various means since the coup took place.

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