26 civilians killed in one month in Tanintharyi

26 civilians killed in one month in Tanintharyi

According to the Southern Monitor, a research group, 26 civilians were killed and four were injured due to violent conflict in the townships of Tanintharyi Region in October alone.

There were 13 deaths in Launglon Township, six in Yebyu Township, three in Thayatchaung Township, and one each in Bokepyin, Kawthaung, Palaw, and Tanintharyi Townships, for a total of 26 deaths.

Civilians have been arrested and killed when the military council invaded the villages and they also died from being hit by heavy weapons and being shot while riding a motorcycle by junta forces.

In addition, pro-junta militia groups such as Pyu Saw Htee, Blood Brothers, and Sun Ye have also targeted and killed activists, youths, family members of the PDF, and NLD party members.

Civilian deaths were also caused by the assassination of military informants and ward and township administrators by the revolutionary forces.

According to the Southern Monitor, 293 civilians have been killed in Tanintharyi after the military coup.

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